Sunday, May 29, 2011

5/29 Holidays.. dammnnnn~xianz....

yeah !!!
exam finish le...
but dun hav tat feeling....
holiday la....
also dun have tat felling...

last thursday...
teachers day...
very song....

their decorate....
not bad la.....

after exam...
every day play angry bird...
so nice...
expecially the yellow one !!!
soooo... cute

like cha....

must buy !!!

yeah !!!!!
u-kiss change place la...
at kl pavilion !!!
no need buy ticket la !!!!!
yes !!!
mommy pls let go ~~
but should be many ppl...

go 1u...
wif xiiao ku....
1st time two ppl go out...
go neway...
go watch movie....
must be fun~~
可惜our jiey cannot go...

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