Sunday, May 15, 2011

15/5 미스 유

Exam start la.....
so bother....
every one 화이팅 !!!
last thursday
go eat MC....
use tomato and chili sauce write le


 still buy the set....

so expensive....
but got one cheap cup

next week one nicer....
PINK one....
go back hostel...
after 自习.....
me and xiiaoku 吵架 (play play de)
she dunwan let me go in to the room....
dun how to play dao my shirt 破洞料....T.T

still wan to wear one lo.....
superstar want to wear...
中秋晚会 want to wear....
宿舍生之夜 also want to wear....
ar!!!!  nvm lo....

My another present....
from: Er~

like it ...

Friday night we draw hand....
Jiey draw her Yoseob...
i draw my one too....

izit nice yea~~

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