Tuesday, May 31, 2011

1/6~ 2:26 am...

Now only write blog~
now watching 《花花世界花家姐》
just now go eat supper~

when eat until half~
a 壁虎 fall on mindy head...
den drop in to the roti canai....
den climb to mommy...
den drop on mommy body...
they two scream dao.......
laugh die me....

go out wif xiiaoku...
whole day at 1U...

still sing korea song neh...
many o...
( B.E.G-Sign )

( miss A-Good Girl Bad Girl )

( U-kiss- Man man ha ni )

( Bigbang-Tonight )

( 2am- Would you answer my phone )

Quite new de song also gt o...
( fx-Danger )

two ppl only 27.80...
哋 !!
still gt things to eat o...

very nice....
but the broccoli....

how to eat...
then go take picture...
stand at there 1 hour....
tired dao.....

but got cheat back RM 1...
tat time already 7 pm ++
go home lu....
bro come back home le...
dunno he go where buy de...
haha...for me...

haha....yellow de o...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

5/29 Holidays.. dammnnnn~xianz....

yeah !!!
exam finish le...
but dun hav tat feeling....
holiday la....
also dun have tat felling...

last thursday...
teachers day...
very song....

their decorate....
not bad la.....

after exam...
every day play angry bird...
so nice...
expecially the yellow one !!!
soooo... cute

like cha....

must buy !!!

yeah !!!!!
u-kiss change place la...
at kl pavilion !!!
no need buy ticket la !!!!!
yes !!!
mommy pls let go ~~
but should be many ppl...

go 1u...
wif xiiao ku....
1st time two ppl go out...
go neway...
go watch movie....
must be fun~~
可惜our jiey cannot go...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

22/5 T.T still gt two days...

exam haven finish....
still gt two subject....
haiz....hwaiting la...

last wenesday night....
exam chinese....
gt another fren come and 陪我们读书....

Jie yi chin....

mabel eng...

together wif youngwon~

wif my phone....                                       
wif kevin !!!!
but i think the butterfly is already die~~

friday night....
exam math...
also play wif the hair band....

that hair band really like the cat ears....

saturday morning....
after finish exam...
go out wif....
gina~ ( i think tat's all )
after that~~
xin ki saw her father !!!
she very scare~~~
then when eating~~
her mother come in~~
her mother like very fierce....
so scary~~
also dunno next time she dare to go out anot~~~

Sunday, May 15, 2011

15/5 미스 유

Exam start la.....
so bother....
every one 화이팅 !!!
last thursday
go eat MC....
use tomato and chili sauce write le


 still buy the set....

so expensive....
but got one cheap cup

next week one nicer....
PINK one....
go back hostel...
after 自习.....
me and xiiaoku 吵架 (play play de)
she dunwan let me go in to the room....
dun how to play dao my shirt 破洞料....T.T

still wan to wear one lo.....
superstar want to wear...
中秋晚会 want to wear....
宿舍生之夜 also want to wear....
ar!!!!  nvm lo....

My another present....
from: Er~

like it ...

Friday night we draw hand....
Jiey draw her Yoseob...
i draw my one too....

izit nice yea~~

Sunday, May 8, 2011

8/5 YO !!

TQ la my Fren~~
This one from Xianning

Pui shan


i most like this....thx la xiiaoku 

dunno write wrong or 特地的.... 

stella yong 

chai yee 


Vivian Yiun

From many ppl

hmm....still waiting ashley & ng kiki one~~

T.T my leg....
is ready to 复原....

but 脱皮了....

 friday night....
super star....
we sing 好心分手....
ok la....
didn't giv ppl " ding " out....


so handsome....
so cute....
he call leo....
discover from this drama....

very nice o....