Saturday, April 23, 2011

23/4 라라라~ bored

no going home again....haiz~~
becuz of this...
tomorrow 5:00 a.m have to wakeup le~~
today must early sleep le !!!!

Just now me, Jiey, Xianning & Xiiaoku go out n eat lunch~~~
eat 冰点....
we call 波霸奶茶.....
and i eat le 牛肉河粉.....
then Jiey and Xianning go electric shop play....
me and Xiiaoku go buy present....
haha....Xiiaoku buy 3 panty as the present.....
i still help her to choose nie.....
1 pink....
1 black.... and
1 brown colour.....
and it still is transparent one o.....
beautiful ho~~~
then go back hostel....
and visit my bloggie~~~
TeeHee ><

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