Sunday, April 17, 2011

18/4 LOL~~~

Last week never come back home....
becuz of the camp~~~
but the camp very nice yo~~~
play in the mud~~~
play wif the flour~~~
OMG!!!! so dirty
mud and flour mix~~~
did u seen be4??
so difficult to wash....
but still nice in the game~~~
at the night....
got 火锅eat neh~~~
so delicous~~~

after tat~~~
play lo....
ply wat??
play ghost house....
damn scary neh~~~
especially chaiyee and ashley...
walao scary....
chaiyee always follow ppl one...
ashley leh...touch ppl and using scary expression to looking ppl.....
see thier scary pic leh~~

scary leh~~~all blood...
next day play wat Treasure Hunt....
damn bored....
then until 1.30pm...
Back to HOSTEL !!!!
hu....can rest le.....

This week nothing happen....
just very happy....
because can go home le !!!!
and also this....


our 宇宁draw one o.....
so cutieeeee neh~~~
and still got one is mommy bought new laptop.....
also happy....
that's all~~~~
And the last.....
wish DALMATIAN & U-KISS 대박 !!!!

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