Saturday, October 2, 2010

2/10 Finally when home

I have two weeks never when home la....
So miss my computer & my bed....
ofcuz also miss my parents la....

OMG....the Mc run make me so tired....
I 1pm slept until 5pm ar....
How can u imagine tat i'm so tired....
After the run i when to kp de Mc donald and tat breakfast...
The Mc breakfast also not nice one....
Yuck! tat breakfast so untasty
Next time i won't eat again....

Bad xinki....
always say me "fei po mabel"....
hate her....( juz joking )
at night mommy got bring dinner for me....
Yummy....So tasty....

At the next day my leg paint until "beh ta han "
but i still will go those olympics run de.....
tuesday my leg still paint....
not just my leg my stomach my shoulder also paint.....
Ohhh....dunno what's wrong....
but the next day all has been well....
no paint no sick....

Friday got cocurricula....
we make a t-shirt for Ling ling....
back of the t-shirt still got "Saranghaeyo" de word....
so beautiful....
I so like it....
but tat day...somebody make me very disappointed....
dun say who la....
but i have already for give her....( she doesn't know one )

then i when back home.... drama...then rigth this stp bloggie.....

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