Saturday, March 23, 2013

23/3...This three month~

This 3 month~~
New year until now....
having a very peaceful life~
just the one thing is~
our class keep been complaint from other teacher
also non of my fault~ fine...

new year....
back to home town watch TV~
also can't without EXO ~~

and then 捞生~

still got many picture...
lazy to upload~~

and then got watch movie~~

2 month watched 3 movie...
for me it's too many lo~~

in exam~
using all those not my pen~~ so inconvenience...

after exam...the most enjoyable~~
Green Tea Cream~ ❤

really crazy in SHINee - Dream Girl !!!
and INFINITE - Man In Love~
so nice~ ❤❤

and i'm still waiting EXO....duh~~

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