Sunday, October 30, 2011

30/10 오모~~

Can go home...
then go home lo~~
at night go out and eat....
阿嬤don't hear mommy 的话...
wan drink the tomyam soup...
after eat those thing she will not well...
but still want to eat...
afterward blame mommy again...
so i take pic...

the last day la !!!
but thurday night...
no mood to study...
just talking...
so didn't study....
next day drink brans..
then go exam la...
all so difficult...
also dunno how to do...
at night go MoMo paradise...
very noisy at there....
still heard somebody 吵架...
then that guy say 分手...
so scary...
i still ask ng kiki...
they 演戏啊?

my dish...
so cute...

they trying to hug teacher...
but to late to capture...
i prefer to eat 88...
their food not very nice....
and many problem la....
88 NICE !!!^^

The next day...
ng kiki didn't come....
very boring....
her reason is...
sleep late jor =="
go 华乐...
also very boring....
that lao zha bo very 过分....
don't say her le...

Guess who one??
(not mine la)


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