Saturday, February 5, 2011

5/2 happy & Unhappy.....

happy ^^
Last night go 1U....
too many ppl watch movie le....
so watch midnight de.....
still gt 2hour's....
dunno have to do wat....
so...GO BOWLING!!!


after bowling still gt 1 hour....
so....GO 唱K!!!

(tat's dark le...) quite many korean song....
but not popular one....
i sing Muzik la....Bopeep la....Hoot la....and many....
quite 爽....long time no so high le...
then only go watch movie
The green hornet...not bad

Next day...(today)
cuz though today can go Melaka....
but no going any where...T^T

What a rainy day today...
juz take a angpao from my 二姨....

juz 10ringgit....for this year....hahaz....

Hei hei~~~Jusun.....lengzai neh~~~


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