Saturday, January 22, 2011

23/01 ~~~

Thursday(20/1) holiday....
Wednesday go Jiey ayi house....
when arrive her ayi house nobody at home...
then we watch tv...( watch KBS music festival )
then her cousin fried some thing to me n jiey to eat.....
Bad JIEY say my Taemin ugly!!!
then her ayi come back le....
when watching SNSD....
have to go down n swimming le...
cannnot watch le....T.T
swim swim swim....until 7 some thing....
then her ayi call pizza hut.....( the chicken so nice )
after that go FB watch Youtube....
i think can go back sleep le...
but still have to go out n eat....
oh no....we call a shack fin soup....
a korean 炒年糕...
but to full le....
can't eat finnish...浪费...
back to home already 12:30....
then sleep lo....fei po Jiey take my pillow....
my head also dunno have to put where....
Next day.....
go Sunway watch 天天好天^^
ok lah....quite nice....
then go shopping.....eating....
then go home.....they go swimming....
me n Jiey sleeping....then go back school lu~~~

Hyun Seung~~


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