Monday, December 27, 2010

27/12 Miss Ya~~~

Today quite early wake up....
cuz want go bac to school...
to buy thing and fetch the "Stupid"...
went i eating my "breakfast"...
Have three ppl came to our house...
one malaysian two korean....
but 不认识嘀...
came talk about wat Bible de...
when hear they r korean ....
so exited man....
i want to say some korean but....不敢...
they say english very funny....(housesu)
very very funny....
my daddy mommy also dunno they say wat....
but 幸好got a malaysian.....
can translate...

Today go back school....
i saw Jiey Ashley Joey Jennie....
so miss them....
i want to talk wif them....
but no time le....
hav to go home le....
T.T miss you all~~~
I want to go bac school....
but got abit 不想...

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