Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yesterday go hlep my sister to do IC....
On the road....
i saw a car....

First time see this kind of car....
hold car also sticker...
still hello kitty de....
嘿嘿...that Ng Xin Ki sure want one....
After that...
do IC lo....
Tat stupid Mindy Eng never bring birth certificate o....
hav to spend more 5 ringgit to buy a 副本=="...
den....wait wait wait...
(cuz their system down...can't do any thing)
wait lo....wait until 4o'clock...
then go Tropicana City...
buy many thing neh~~~
i saw a shop...
got seal SNSD...SUPER JUNIOR....
all those thing!!!
i want buy lah~~~T.T
den buy buy buy....
den 8 something only go tapao...
hehe eat chicken chop....
den bath....den play PC....
play until 3 a.m~~~
den watch tv....
(watch 玛丽外宿中)KBS got do neh~~~
watch watch watch~~~
watch until 5~~~
den oi oi~~~
until today 1:30....
(becuz 阿马 call me only wake one if not until 3 lol~~~)
eat eat eat~~~(lunch)
play play play~~~(computer)
嘿嘿~~today 冬至叻~~~
but outside buy one....
not kaki do one....
hehe mami cook 萝卜糕....
Yummy neh~~~
den continue playing lo~~~
download 到最新的歌涅~~
(thank to)...nice o~~~
wah happy 到~~~

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