Saturday, October 20, 2012

20/10~ Countdown 25 days..\(^o^)/

Exam Finish lah~
Next Year Senior Two loh~
17 loh...(很神奇的数目, 我17岁啦~)

Over one month never step on here ready~
so miss my blog...

last month try Hokkaido Cake~~
WAH 맛있다~

02th Oct  Swee yong B'day~

把老师给的chocolate 给了swee yong 一粒~

Last last week received a biscuit from 선생님
sure know 선생님 won't forget us~

during exam very boring~
draw le...

so like it~
gonna do my header picture~
also during exam
really childish~

Korean day at sunway~~
the last day 
Notice say got WG come~
거짓말이야 !!
wasted my time at there !!!

Performing~~Gangnam style ?!

Beautiful Hwang Jini Band~

Ah Black aunty back from korea...
Bought Kim hyun joong chocolate~

Yesterday after exam 
surfing internet~~
just type Luhan
and then appear this...

actually i also dunno wat lai de...HEHE

After that go and take a bath~
after bath very boring~~
take picture~
Pudding Camera not bad~

Night~ Go ate 88 again~
这次的Gathering really 没有后悔去
really really 많이 웃었어...
so funny~~
won't forget this memories~

Finally bought my fav~~GREEN TEA LATTE

지금 까지~